Thursday, April 18, 2013

He's a Lucky Duck

"Holy Moly!" Napoleon and Pedro would've never thought of an answer like this. Last night Mark had a surprise Prom answer from Elise.

Lucky Duck Mark video


Shannon was attending a track meet at West Lake High School yesterday when the temperature was 45F with gusty winds. She and several guys were in the bull pen trying to keep warm in a blanket Shannon had brought while they all waited to run the 800m. One more guy wanted to get into the human verital burrito and boooom--the burrito fell over. There was a boulder placed in the bullpen which had been a good wind block, but it didn't connect well with Shannon's head. Her arms were pinned inside the blanket burrito. Everyone else hit the grass.

Three head staples later Shannon is at school the next day and we're watching her for any signs of concussion. Humm, last week Shannon sprained her ankle.  Shannon can't run track because of her head staples and head injury.
Here Shan is in the procedure room after hours.

The gash was rather deep.

The staples worked well since the scar would be hidden under hair.

Here's a peek at her sprained ankle from last week.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Prom invitations are pretty fun here in Utah County.  Mark finally decided on a very traditional "creative" method to ask Elise to PGHS's prom in May.

He would "build" her a cake--get the Napoleon Dynamite reference; rather, his mom would build a cake.
Mark also promised to catch Elise a "delicious" bass if she said yes. He and his friends have been fishing frequently. He's caught one very small lake trout at Tibblefork Resevoir.