Sunday, March 29, 2009

Prom Balloons


  1. I had no idea Jacob was going to fill up so many balloons! I'm glad you and Ayn used them for other things as well. And I love that Jake had to pop dozens of them trying to find Ayn's answer to prom. You two are pretty sneaky.

  2. All the kids, Bob and I helped Jacob fill up the balloons on Saturday afternoon while Aynie was still on orchestra tour. It was fun helping. Daniel, Whitney and Shannon had so much fun playing mummy tag and running around outside with Jacob after the balloon filling that Daniel asked four times the next day when we could have Jacob babysit.

  3. Definitely have him babysit and make sure he knows it's for FREE since you've fed and entertained him dozens and dozens of times! He owes you big time! He had a great time at the sand dunes. That was just so odd to hear about Bill Orton dying that day.
    Jake mentioned that you're making Ayn's dress. Do you ever sleep?

  4. I'm looking at the 3:12AM time stamp on you comment and wondering the same about you. I'm an amazing sleeper--napper, too.
