Thursday, December 2, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Smiths

No wayyyyyyyy! Another year gone by.  Well, at least I'm not bored.  I figured I don't need to construct a traditional Christmas newsletter for the family.  You simply need to scroll down through the blog and "voila"--you have it.

In case you have trouble identifying patterns here is a head's up.  Back in August I entered by photography phase.  A year before that it was my "Julie Child" cooking phase.  Mind you, I haven't left my cooking phase and because of this I can't leave my 'mountain biking/P90X phase;  consequently, exercising makes me hungry so I magnify my cooking phase; whereupon, I practice my photoshoping techniques through my photography phase because I need to lose a few pounds and wrinkles digitally.  While I'm photoshopping I smell like almond extract because I've had to reenter my cake decorating phase on account of numerous weddings of persons extremely close to me.  Other persons of familial closeness have been learning to drive and I've had to reenter my driver's ed phase which has exacerbated my need for botox because of extreme facial contortions caused by high levels of fear.  These high levels of fear have been coupled with high levels of adrenaline as a result of participation in a zip line game in Puerto Vallarta with a group of jovial Mexican men.  Fortunately, my blood levels have returned to normal via the ingestion of  very dense textured, almost fudgey brownies made with 72% cacao and unsalted butter.  Oh, and don't forget the nap.

So, how about YOU?


  1. Gosh I don't know how you do it all!! -Aunt Lynda

  2. Wonderful Family! It was great to attend Daniel's baptixm today - you're baby is all grown up! Maybe next Christmas you'll be a grandma?

  3. By the way - Aunt Renae made the comment's above.
